[Chip RF]:STM32WL33
[Potencia de transmisión]:20 dBm
[Distancia de comunicación]:3500 m
[Tamaño del producto]:20 x 14 mm
[Introducción]:El módulo inalámbrico E04-900M20S es un módulo de comunicación inalámbrica SoC basado en la solución de chip STM32WL33 recientemente lanzada por STMicroelectronics. El módulo inalámbrico tiene las características de larga distancia de comunicación, bajo consumo de energía en modo de espera, fuerte capacidad antiinterferencias, abundantes recursos de interfaz, fuerte capacidad de procesamiento y tamaño pequeño. También es adecuado para módulos inalámbricos de parche de banda de frecuencia de 868/915 MHz, utilizando osciladores de cristal de 32,768 KHz y 48 MHz de alta precisión de grado industrial para garantizar el funcionamiento estable del módulo. Este módulo inalámbrico requiere un desarrollo secundario por parte del usuario y puede usarse ampliamente en la industria de Internet de las cosas.
Pin number | Pin name | Pin direction | Pin usage |
1 | NC | - | - |
2 | NRST | enter | Chip reset trigger input pin, active low level |
3 | NC | - | - |
4 | NC | - | - |
5 | NC | - | - |
6 | NC | - | - |
7 | NC | - | - |
8 | PA1 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
9 | PB2 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
10 | NC | - | - |
11 | PB0 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
12 | GND | output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
13 | 3.3V | enter | Power input, supports 2.8~3.6V power supply |
14 | PA2 | input/output | Program debugging/download port SWDIO |
15 | PA3 | input/output | Program debugging/download port SWCLK |
16 | PAO | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
17 | PA11 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
18 | PA10 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
19 | PA9 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
20 | PA8 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
21 | PB15 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
22 | PB14 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
23 | NC | - | - |
24 | PB6 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
25 | PB7 | input/output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WL33KCV6 manual for details) |
26 | NC | - | - |
27 | NC | - | - |
28 | GND | output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
29 | ON | output | Antenna interface, stamp hole (50Ω characteristic impedance), connected to IPEX-1 interface |
30 | GND | output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |