Home >Módulo>SPI/SOC/UART>SI44**
Ebyte SI4463 UART 3Km Rango 433MHz 20dBm DIP 21*36mm CE RoHs FCC LoRa Transmisor inalámbrico Módulo RF







[Introducción]:Este módulo presenta el algoritmo FEC (corrección de errores hacia adelante) y puede funcionar en WOR (despertar por radio), que es perfectamente adecuado para aplicaciones de consumo de energía ultra bajo. E30-433T20D puede ser compatible con otros módulos E30.

Pin No. Pin Item Pin Direction Pin Application
1 M0 Input(weak pull-up)     Work with M1 & decide the four operating modes. Floating is not allowed, can be ground.
2 M1 Input(weak pull-up)     Work with M0 & decide the four operating modes. Floating is not allowed, can be ground.
3 RXD Input     TTL UART inputs, connects to external TXD (MCU, PC) output pin.Can be configured as open-drain or pull-up input
4 TXD Output     TTL UART outputs, connects to external RXD (MCU, PC) input pin.Can be configured as open-drain or push-pull output
5 AUX Output     To indicate module's working status & wakes up the external MCU. During the procedure of self-check initialization, the pin outputs low level. Can be configured as open-drain output or push-pull output (floating is allowed).
6 VCC Input     Power supply 2.3V-5.5V DC
7 GND Input     Ground
8 Fixing hole     Fixing hole
9 Fixing hole     Fixing hole
10 Fixing hole     Fixing hole