[Solución de chip]:HW3000
[Frecuencia de trabajo]:428 ~ 522MHz
[Potencia de transmisión]:20 dBm
[Distancia de comunicación]:2,5 km
[Tamaño del producto]: 20*14mm
[Introducción]:E42-400M20S es un módulo de hardware SPI diseñado en base al chip RF HW3000 original de Shanghai Neusoft Carrier Microelectronics. Es semidúplex, integra transceptor y receptor, modo de transmisión transparente, tipo de parche, banda de frecuencia operativa de 428 ~ 522 MHz y potencia de transmisión de 100 mW. Adecuado para una variedad de entornos, con alta sensibilidad de recepción, fuerte antiinterferencia y admite el desarrollo de un bajo consumo de energía.
Pin number | Pin name | Pin direction | Pin usage |
1 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
2 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
3 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
4 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
5 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
6 | GPIO2 | input /Output | General digital I/O (see HW3000 chip manual for function details) |
7 | GPIO3 | input /Output | General digital I/O (see HW3000 chip manual for function details) |
8 | GPIO1 | input /Output | General digital I/O (see HW3000 chip manual for function details) |
9 | VCC | VCC | Power supply, range 2.0V~3.6V (it is recommended to add external ceramic filter capacitors) |
10 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
11 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
12 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
13 | GPIO0 | input /Output | General digital I/O (see HW3000 chip manual for function details) |
14 | IRQ | output | Interrupt output pin (polarity configurable, default low level active) |
15 | PDN | input | POWER DOWN mode enable input pin (active high level) |
16 | MISO | output | SPI data output pin |
17 | MOSI | input | SPI data input pin |
18 | SCK | input | SPI clock input pin |
19 | CSN | input | SPI chip select signal (active low level) |
20 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
21 | ANT | — | Antenna connector, stamp hole (50 ohm characteristic impedance) |
22 | GND | GND | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |