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Módulo inalámbrico E52-400NW22S LoRa MESH, red ad hoc, red de autoenrutamiento de grado industrial, autorreparación

[Tipo de interfaz]:puerto serie UART

[Frecuencia de trabajo]:410.125~509.125MHz

[Potencia de transmisión]:22dBm

[Distancia de comunicación]:2,5 km



[Introducción]:E52-400NW22S es un módulo de red LoRa MESH de puerto serie inalámbrico basado en la tecnología de espectro extendido LoRa. La potencia de salida máxima es +22 dBm, la velocidad máxima del aire puede alcanzar 62,5 K y la velocidad en baudios máxima admitida es 460800 bps. La banda de frecuencia de trabajo predeterminada de este módulo LoRa es 433,125 MHz. Adopta la nueva tecnología de red LoRa MESH y tiene las funciones de descentralización, autoenrutamiento, autorreparación de red y enrutamiento multinivel. Es adecuado para hogares inteligentes y sensores industriales, sistemas de seguridad de alarma inalámbrica y edificios. Soluciones de automatización, agricultura inteligente y otros escenarios de aplicación.

Pin number Pin name Pin direction Pin usage
1PB3input OutputSome function indication pins, high level by default, active low level (connected to test suite LED2)
2PB4input OutputRF transmission indication pin, default high level, active low level (connected to test suite LED1)
3PB5input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
4PB6input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
5PB7input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
6PB8input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
7PA0input OutputDefault is high level, pull it low when power on to enter the Bootloader (connected to the test suite KEY button)
8PA1input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
9PA2input OutputUART_TXD, serial port transmit pin
10PA3input OutputUART_RXD, serial port receiving pin
11PA4input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
12PA5input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
13GNDinput OutputGround wire, connected to the power reference ground
14ANTinput OutputAntenna interface, 50Ω characteristic impedance (connected to SMA interface of test kit)
15GNDinput OutputGround wire, connected to the power reference ground
16PA8input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
17NRSTinput Reset pin, default high level, active low level (connected to test suite RST button)
18PA9input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
19PA12input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
20PA11input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
21PA10input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
22PB12input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
23PB2input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
24PB0input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
25PA15input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
26PC13input OutputNot used yet, NC recommended
27GNDinput OutputGround wire, connected to the power reference ground
28VDDinput Power supply VDD, maximum input voltage 3.6V, recommended to be powered by 3.3V LDO
29SWDIO-debug pin
30SWCLK-debug pin