Home >Módem>Módem inalámbrico>Módem inalámbrico LoRa
Estación de radio digital inalámbrica de alta potencia de 25 W, módem lora de larga distancia de 40 km, transceptor rf de 433 mhz rs232 rs485







[Introducción]:E90-DTU (400SL44) es un verdadero transceptor de datos inalámbrico industrial de alta calidad. El transceptor utiliza tecnología de espectro ensanchado LORA. Su fuerte capacidad antiinterferente hace que la comunicación inalámbrica sea más estable y confiable en sitios industriales, interfaz RS232 / RS485 transparente.

No. Name Function Description
1 PE Connect to ground Connect to ground
2 GND Crimped power input negative Power reference ground
3 VCC Crimped power input positive power input(12V/10A)
4 MOD Mode control Floating, general mode; ground,configuration mode
5 RS485 G RS485 interface G RS485 interface G is connected tothe device GND interface(recommended)
6 RS485 B RS485 interface B RS485 interface B is connected todevice B interface
7 RS485 A RS485 interface A RS485 interface A is connected todevice A interface
8 RS232 RS232 interface Standard RS232 interface
9 ANT SMA-K interface External thread inner hole, 10mm,characteristic impedance 50Oohm
10 PWR Power indicator Red, lit when the power is on
11 TXD Serial data sending indicator Yellow, blinks when sending data
12 RXD Serial data receiving indicator Yellow, blinks when receivingdata
13 ERR Warning indicator Red, the temperature exceeds100 ℃ or the antenna is notconnected or the antenna is not ingood connection. After resolving,you need to power on againbefore working